I am at core a hopeful person. So even when I am overwhelmed, there is a good chance that I will somehow find myself a few days later thinking of and seeing positive outcomes from a particular situation. But what happens when you are in the midst of a low day or days?
I’ve been toying on and off with the idea of venturing back into office life for some time while still working on my creative projects and blog. I wondered what it would be like and how it can all be managed. That was when Do you see me? was conceived.
It’s about dreaming (however big or small), about putting in the time and effort to get there and how sometimes we are so focused on the ifs, when and hows that we forget to check where we are right now. Are we on the right track to achieving our dreams or have we been so focused on getting there that we’ve forgotten what it was exactly we were looking for?
I have since taken the plunge and truth be told it is a challenge. And I am still adjusting, learning to balance, continuing to dream.
Do you see me? uses Posca bullet tip pens on a 30cm x 30cm fine grain canvas. May your paths be filled with happiness wherever they may lead.
Do you see me?