The first hour

For those of you who may already know me, this website and blog has been a long time coming. A very long time.

For those of you who don’t, my name is Loan. I guess you can describe me as one of those people who used to work within (or almost within) the 9-5 setting of an office but always daydreaming of dabbling in something a bit more creative.

Now what that means exactly depends on your interests and interpretation of creative. In my case, I enjoy cooking (creating but not necessarily adhering to recipes), craft jewellery and abstract drawings. Or as I call it, doodling, because that’s how it all really started: doodling with a pen on white paper trying to keep myself awake in lectures during my uni days. Oh and did I mention photography?

That’s quite a bit I hear you say. Well, you’d be right because I’ve always wondered to myself how I could possibly do any or all of these things without any training or experience. Add to that a tantrum-throwing toddler and most days all I want to do when the day is over, is flop on the couch with the tele showing pretty much anything that will numb my brain.

Excuses, excuses, excuses… Procrastination and impostor syndrome is what my husband calls it. But he would say that. He would pretty much say anything right about now just to get me started! As a matter of fact, I’ve had so much encouragement and support, I can’t take it anymore!

So after years of questioning myself - my abilities, my creativity (and lack thereof), my weaknesses, my strengths (the list goes on), I have come to a decision. Well almost.

There are 4 distinct moments in the last few months that have led me to this: 1. a health issue; 2. coming to the realisation that experiences are all relative; 3. attending an art fair in support of a talented friend who inspired me more than she realises (thank you Katie Lips!); and 4. walking through some markets to meet a friend for lunch which isn’t often these days.

‘An hour a day’ I thought to myself over and over as I walked through the market. ‘An hour a day’. And each time, I felt lighter and lighter. So herein lies the title of my blog. It represents for me so many things. A new beginning, a time to recollect, an opportunity to improve and a time never lost.

I intend to use this mantra to keep me on track. I intend to see how I make use of this hour and what I can achieve regardless of how big or small. It may come in the form of a newly inspired dish, an opinion shared or a small piece of abstract work. I suppose, what I am really saying is that I don’t know how I will use this hour but it is as good a place to start as any.

And I hope that you will share this journey with me.